Monday, May 27, 2013

30 for 30: Day 16

Have you ever known someone with a talent or strength that you admire and think, "Wow.  That is SO not something I would ever be good at, but I really appreciate how well they do it"?

That's how I feel about my neighbor and her yard.  It's beautiful.  She spends hours and hours in the spring and summertime in her flowerbeds, making everything look so nice.  My grandma, mom, and sister were blessed with the green thumb gene.  I was not.  If it doesn't scream at me for food or water, I will likely not remember to feed/water it.

I will never have a flowerbed like my neighbors.  I don't even want a flowerbed like hers because the thought of keeping all of those plants alive really stresses me out.

But you know what?

I love and appreciate that she cares so much about the plants in her yard and works so hard to maintain it.

So I let her know it.  Anonymously, of course.

As an aside: do you try and disguise your handwriting when you write an anonymous note?  I do.  Then I take a look at it and realize, "oh.  This is just my normal handwriting.  Only legible".  Hahaha!

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