Tuesday, May 21, 2013

30 for 30: Day 10

The weather threatened to spoil my RAOK plans for today - as in, I was praying it would rain so I could skip our youth activity (which was supposed to be canoeing) and attend the choir concert of one of my young women.  The rains came, canoeing was canceled, and off to the choir concert I went.

I'm a bit of a music snob (okay...I'm a HUGE music snob) and was really didn't know what to expect.  It was a great concert, though!  The kids sang great, the music was really fun (it was a pops concert) and I was just totally blown away by the talent of some of the soloists.

The best part?  Seeing my YW, standing up on the bleachers waiting for the first song to start and she gave our group ( two other YW and myself) an eyebrow raise and I smile.  A close second would be watching her sing.  It's amazing how music can transform you when you become completely enveloped in it.

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