Friday, May 24, 2013

30 for 30: day 13

Whipped up a batch of my extra super tasty chocolate chip cookies to give to the fine ladies that keep our gym daycare running day after day.  Some mornings it is an absolute zoo in there, but even at it's most chaotic, there is a sense of order.  Really, these women are the cream of the crop.  In fact, I'm pretty sure my kids like them more than they like me.  When I drop them off, the first thing Abby says is "Where's B's mommy?".  And before she can even complete the question, she has grabbed a book and is running over to her.  So, to  B's mommy and all the other "mommies" (the kids call any adult female a "mommy") - THANK YOU.   I owe my sanity to them and the hour that they spend with my children every weekday so I can have some time to workout.

And not to toot my own horn, but everyone tells me my chocolate chip cookies are awesome.  The secret, I tell ya - undercook them!  Yank those puppies out of the oven before there is even a hint of brown on them.  They won't hold up well if you want to eat them warm, but once they cool...ohhhh....there's no comparison.  They are divine.

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