Saturday, April 26, 2008

It's a beautiful day for the Neighbor Hoods

Saturday was a perfect day here in Norman, OK. Since that can only be said about twice a year, I figured it merited some blog-space. Actually, were it not for such beautiful weather, I might not have made a surprising discovery that afternoon.

Norman is cultured.

Allow me to explain.

So, I had been cooped up inside on a beautful spring afternoon in an orchestra rehearsal (my last one - yay!) and the thought of staying inside the rest of the afternoon to study and practice sounded like a good waste of gorgeous weather. So I decided it was a good excuse to go to the library and return some books before their due date. Now, I am notorious for accumulating overdue fines, but I genuinely feel that it is by my generous "donations" that I singlehandedly fund the Pioneer Library System . Anyway, I asked my good friend Linden if she wanted to go with me. At first she resisted, but a bubblegum flavored Dum-Dum (yes -you guessed it - leftover booty from last week's parade) was all that was needed to coax her into the stroller. A half hour later, we were on our way. A half hour, 3 bathroom trips, and one tantrum later, we were ready to head home.

But we got a little sidetracked when we saw this:

I couldn't believe my eyes and ears. Several blocks of Main Street were completely blocked off and with throngs of people gathered to participate in Norman's First Annual Music Festival. As I tried to take in all of my surroundings (including massive amounts of second-hand smoke) I realized that I was witnessing the slow transformation of Norman from Lamest Hometown Ever to Actually a Pretty Cool Place to Live. If you still aren't convinced, I will let the pictures do the talking (once again, I found myself armed only with my phone camera, so picture quality isn't that great).
Dude on a Skateboard
A common method of transportation (along with Harleys) of festival-goers.
The Bushman
One of many people that were not concerned about appearances,though his friend appears to be suggesting some fashion tips - perhaps a new beard style?
This one is for you, Steph - eat your heart out:
The Traveling Henna duo
With parasol in one hand, and booze in the other, this couple proved that football season is not the only excuse to get drunk and sunburned in Norman. Their method of advertising their Henna body art booth? Baring more than is socially acceptable. Effective? You decide.
With all the quirkiness of the Medeival Fair, minus all the creeps, I enjoyed myself quite a bit. What can I say? I have a soft spot for artists. Unfortunately my photos of Wannabe Willie Nelson and Mohawk Kid did not turn out (Mohawk Kid's dad got in the way). I even stalked a guy with Totally Hair Barbie length dreds. But he was quite elusive and I did not get the shot. I did however catch a series of photos that I will entitle No, you may not take the Tootsie Roll, Linden Refuses to Relenquish Tootsie Roll, and Victory: Linden Opens Tootsie Roll. Can you tell which one is which?

Notice the crumbs on her face from a recently consumed double chocolate cookie. However, Linden's overindulgence did catch up to her - she had an accident in the stroller on the way home. But I think we all had a good time. You guys should all come next year. Maybe we can all get matching Henna tatoos.


Steph said...

I think I kicked that couple off of Family Housing property for inappropriate PDA the other day. Naropa hippies...

Amie said...

I'm alsmost certain "Jack Sprat" and his little lady-mate lived in my college dorm- what characters! I'm only sad I didn't get out to see them myself. I also think Linden and Max are truly meant to be: they have the same affinity for the sweets and little concern for authority figures telling them not to eat the sweets. Go Norman for trying to be cool!