Norman is cultured.
Allow me to explain.
So, I had been cooped up inside on a beautful spring afternoon in an orchestra rehearsal (my last one - yay!) and the thought of staying inside the rest of the afternoon to study and practice sounded like a good waste of gorgeous weather. So I decided it was a good excuse to go to the library and return some books before their due date. Now, I am notorious for accumulating overdue fines, but I genuinely feel that it is by my generous "donations" that I singlehandedly fund the Pioneer Library System . Anyway, I asked my good friend Linden if she wanted to go with me. At first she resisted, but a bubblegum flavored Dum-Dum (yes -you guessed it - leftover booty from last week's parade) was all that was needed to coax her into the stroller. A half hour later, we were on our way. A half hour, 3 bathroom trips, and one tantrum later, we were ready to head home.
But we got a little sidetracked when we saw this:
But we got a little sidetracked when we saw this:

I couldn't believe my eyes and ears. Several blocks of Main Street were completely blocked off and with throngs of people gathered to participate in Norman's First Annual Music Festival. As I tried to take in all of my surroundings (including massive amounts of second-hand smoke) I realized that I was witnessing the slow transformation of Norman from Lamest Hometown Ever to Actually a Pretty Cool Place to Live. If you still aren't convinced, I will let the pictures do the talking (once again, I found myself armed only with my phone camera, so picture quality isn't that great).
Dude on a Skateboard

A common method of transportation (along with Harleys) of festival-goers.
The Bushman

One of many people that were not concerned about appearances,though his friend appears to be suggesting some fashion tips - perhaps a new beard style?
This one is for you, Steph - eat your heart out:
The Traveling Henna duo

With all the quirkiness of the Medeival Fair, minus all the creeps, I enjoyed myself quite a bit. What can I say? I have a soft spot for artists. Unfortunately my photos of Wannabe Willie Nelson and Mohawk Kid did not turn out (Mohawk Kid's dad got in the way). I even stalked a guy with Totally Hair Barbie length dreds. But he was quite elusive and I did not get the shot. I did however catch a series of photos that I will entitle No, you may not take the Tootsie Roll, Linden Refuses to Relenquish Tootsie Roll, and Victory: Linden Opens Tootsie Roll. Can you tell which one is which?

Notice the crumbs on her face from a recently consumed double chocolate cookie. However, Linden's overindulgence did catch up to her - she had an accident in the stroller on the way home. But I think we all had a good time. You guys should all come next year. Maybe we can all get matching Henna tatoos.
I think I kicked that couple off of Family Housing property for inappropriate PDA the other day. Naropa hippies...
I'm alsmost certain "Jack Sprat" and his little lady-mate lived in my college dorm- what characters! I'm only sad I didn't get out to see them myself. I also think Linden and Max are truly meant to be: they have the same affinity for the sweets and little concern for authority figures telling them not to eat the sweets. Go Norman for trying to be cool!
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