Thursday, May 1, 2008

'Tis the Season

So, Kenta and I were about to continue our Thursday night ritual of dinner, followed by pilates (for me, Kenta just stays at home and plays with the computer or his RC stuff), followed by the only half an hour of TV that we watch - The Office. We excitedly sat down to watch it and turned the TV on. Instead of our friendly Office friends, this is what we saw:

I do not live anywhere near Pawnee, Oklahoma. I have never heard of Skedee, Jobes, or Esau Junction. I doubt that people actually live there. So why do we have to watch hours of "possible" tornado coverage (notice that it clearly states in bold letter "Poss Tornado") in a part of the state that is predominantly occupied by thousands of square miles of grass, with the occasional trailer park or herd of cows? This event has inspired me to write the following. Feel free to sing these lyrics to a popular children's song that you may know:

I turned on the TV and what did I see?
Gary England shouting right back at me
Spring has brought me such a nice surprise
Funnel clouds forming right before my eyes
I can take the remote and turn to channel 3
But Mike Morgan's shouting just as loudly
It isn't really so,
But it seemed to me
The Office was more important than my friends in Pawnee

*disclaimer - I actually do not know anyone in Pawnee - it just rhymed

If you aren't from Oklahoma, or have not lived here for awhile, or maybe you still live here - whatever the case may be - you will get a kick out of the following. *side note* I NEVER pass on a youtube video unless I think it is absolutely worth watching.

So, my friends, this is Oklahoma weather. Yes, we have fancy radar and good graphics and some Doppler schmoppler thing, but we also have weathermen that do all kinds of crazy stuff like chase tornados while screaming commentary into the camcorder and nonstop tornado coverage that lasts for 3 hours at a time on every major TV station. But, folks, that's what keeps us safe. And I'm not too bitter.

They promised to rebroadcast the episode of The Office that we missed.

At 3:00 a.m.


Steph said...

I'd love to sing that version of "Popcorn Popping" to people here, but I think Ben's the only one who will get it. And he'll be disappointed you didn't fit Rick Mitchell in there somewhere. I do miss watching local news where the weatherpeople are the biggest celebrities.

I wonder if Gary England has other powers that we don't yet know about...

Too bad you missed The Office - it was a good episode.

Ami said...

Hahahaha, that is hilarious. I loved it. I also realized I should be more grateful for uninterrupted shows around here. They don't interrupt The Office to say "It is snowing again." I hope you've seen the episode you missed.

Amie said...

Warning: this comment may contain offensive material! No, seriously, Mike and I loved the whole Daily Show bit and the Rick Mitchell plug, "Rick said it would!" I was a bit agitated about the Office not coming on, but at least they showed Lost...that would have sent me complaining to "The Rant" for sure.

Taryn said...

Kendall This is my new favorite blog. Thanks for making us laugh. I love the new version of Popcorn.... I am forwarding it on to headquarters to approve for the children of Oklahoma to sing during the next Primary Program. ha ha