Somebody had to get things started by carrying the banner into the auditorium. For some reason still unknown to me, I was chosen. Perhaps they felt sorry for me because all my friends from freshman theory class are graduating with their Masters this year and I am still a lowly Bachelor(ette).
Do not ever pity a Fine Arts major. We realize that we will never make large amounts of money. But we get paid to play and don't have to sit at some boring desk job. Still aren't convinced that Fine Arts is the way to go? I think this next clip speaks for itself. This is a segment if the graduation ceremony just prior to the keynote speaker (who was an actor/director -very entertaining).
I was given an award during the graduation. It was really hard listening to them talk about my accomplishments because, frankly, all the other kids who got awards did WAAAYYY more stuff than I did. But I won't complain. The best part of the pretty plaque was the check taped to the back :o)
And here's the best part. A funny side note to this is that before the ceremony all the graduates were given a blue sheet of paper with their names and majors on it for the announcer to read. Since I was carrying the banner, I didn't meet with the other kids beforehand and, therefore, did not receive my blue paper. It wasn't until the ceremony started that I realized I didn't have a paper like everyone else. In a moment of panic, I asked myself "What would MacGyver do?" I had to be resourceful. I ripped a page from my program in half and borrowed a pen from a lady behind me. I then borrowed another student's blue paper and copied down the info I needed. Nothing was going to stand between me and graduation.
And none of this would have been possible without my biggest supporters
My cute husband
My parents and the best harp teacher ever, Ms. Leblanc
It feels good to finally be ejimukated and grajimukated.
your husband is wearing a pink shirt
Word up!! Props to the graduate! When I asked you how it all went you never mentioned you were the banner holder! Or the recipient of a special award! I love the "plug" for Young Women's!!! Yeah, if I had known there was going to be such fabulous entertianment I might have come....anything goes!
Good call, Rika. Don't let him live that one down. And way to go, Kendall - it was all I could do to get Ben to wear a tie with a tiny pink stripe in it for Soren and Natalie's wedding.
Congrats on your new skills, by the way. Let's celebrate with some ice cream!
Congrats Kendall! Young Women's leaders are the best, aren't they?! :)
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