Thursday, April 3, 2008

The calm before...and after...the storm

I know I promised to update the blog after my recital. Yeah, I finished that over three weeks ago. Immediately after that we left on a Hood family Spring Break road trip to Utah. Then we came back and- surprise! - I had more harp stuff to do. Don't get me wrong - I love the harp and performing with different ensembles and such. It's just nice to have a break from it now and then. That's why I am trying to take advantage of the time that I have this evening when my butt isnot connected to a harp bench to write this. Funny thing is, I was actually scheduled to be in a rehearsal right now. I am playing second harp with the OKC Philharmonic on Saturday and last night in rehearsal Maestro Levine announced that we would not be rehearsing the pieces that I play on tonight. That means that I have time to chillax and get stuff done around the house. It's kind of scary that it's gotten to the point that I look forward to having time to clean the bathtub. That's what I plan to do when I get this done.
So...what is Kenta up to these days? Right now he is doing some homework on his new fancy schmancy Macbook. When he's not doing that, he is usually tinkering (he told me that was the correct verb to use) with his radio control stuff. He has been anxiously waiting for three days for a part for his RC car to arrive from the FedEx man. It finally came today and he promptly installed it in his car. I'm not one to brag, so I'll let Kenta do it:

Kenta commenting on his RC car after he has installed the new part and is racing it through our tiny living room:

"Now my car runs awesomely fast!"

And then he almost crashed it into my leg and we decided that we had to make a rule about no race car driving inside.

Life remains rather busy for us here, with seemingly never-ending homework assignments, rehearsals, etc. I probably should have waited for something more exciting to happen before I blogged. But then, the fact that I have "free" time is exciting to me. Things are about to pick up again as finals approach. I'll leave you with some pictures of Kenta and I doing what we like to do when we are not doing school. I believe these activities are referred to as "hobbies". Enjoy!

This is Kenta with his first RC plane (now it belongs to Willy)
Okay, I guess I'm pretty much consumed by one activity.

1 comment:

Steph said...

You guys are such nerds. Love the picture of you and the harp, though. And nice template.

So what piece are you playing? I'm so jealous...