Thursday, January 20, 2011

(not so) Great Expectations

Today was my first day at home, alone with the kids. Here was my "To Do" list for the day:

1) Take a shower

Aaaaaand....that was my list. I figured if I got even that much done, the day would be a success. Anything that I achieved beyond that would just be considered a bonus, pat-myself-on the-back-and-give-myself-a-cookie achievement.

My philosophy to set very low expectations proved to work in my favor (at least for today). Today was a wildly successful day. I got my shower. I did laundry. I washed a pile of dishes that had been accumulating in the sink for three days. I even wrote a blog post. I attribute the success of this day to the above-average cumulative amount of sleep I got last night.

Don't worry. I'm not going to go crazy and set my expectations too high. With a newborn, you just never know in advance what amount of sleep you will be required to operate on the following day. My "To Do" list remains the same for tomorrow:

1) Take a shower

(okay, maybe I'll aim a *little* higher and shave my legs? naaaaahhh...)

Here's to the children that come into our lives and completely turn them upside down and inside out (at least for the first few weeks).

They are totally worth it.

In other news, Abigail is two weeks old today. Can you believe it? Me, neither. In some ways it doesn't seem like it's been that long, but in other ways I can't seem to remember what life was like without her. We sure are happy to have her here with us.


Amy said...

Wow! You give me hope!...and that picture with Thomas and Abigail is just way cute.

Bates Blogger said...

I can't believe she's 2 weeks old already! You need to let me take Thomas one day for you so you can nap and, of course, shower. :)

Rika Burr said...

i vote for more pictures

Beccarigg said...

Taber was reading this over my shoulder and he said, "I like that list babe, you gotta make your list more like that." ; ) Congrats on a wildly successful first day alone with two kiddos. I'm terrified of my first day alone, glad I still have some time before it happens!
p.s. And YES, we definitely need to train for something to whip our postpartum bods into shape. Give me a few weeks then we can get moving. We'll start out nice and easy, shoot for a 5K or something. That would be fun. : )

Julie said...

LOL! Thanks for that... I guess I better start setting a goal of atleast showering each day! lol... sometimes that just doesn't happen. Gross I know.
And again, I'm glad you are feeling it is all worth it, at this point I have to be reminded of that. My baby should be coming soon...

Rebecca said...

Hey! Congratulations with your sweet little girl! I read your entire labor story, and I'm so happy for you that things turned out how you wanted. Lots of hugs!

Mika Fitch said...

I vote with Rika on this one.

Kara said...

I have done away with the "to do list" now I write a "can do list" that way if something gets done I feel good and if not no worries! Cuidate!