Traditionally, people hang stockings by the chimney with care and put presents under a tree. Not us. We just pile everything up around a secondhand toybox. How's that for holiday cheer?
Keeping with my family's Christmas morning tradition, we weren't allowed to open any gifts until after we consumed.....
What is that nasty sounding concoction, you may ask? It's just a basic white sauce with hard boiled eggs in it, served over toast. File it under the category of "don't knock it 'til you try it". It tastes a lot better than it looks/sounds.
Oh, look. My mom showed up for breakfast. Actually, she had been here for a week at that point. My dad left a few days before Christmas for a business trip in Saudi Arabia. Since my mom was orphaned, we invited her to stay with us.
Thomas approved of the creamed eggs.
After breakfast, it was present time. Some of the greatest hits from 2010 were:
A pirate ship from Jiichan and Baachan. This amazing toy has the ability to play every annoying tune you could possibly think of. Naturally, Thomas loves it. Surprisingly, it doesn't grate on my nerves like I thought it would. Probably because I love to watch him dance to the music.
Books! Thomas loves books:
Grandma and Grandpa gave him his very own copies of "Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel" and "Where the Wild Things Are" - must haves for all little boys.
The baby didn't show up to open his/her gift, so I did the honors:
Thanks for the OU gear, Uncle Kenji!
And Kenta got me some cankle cover-ups:
Christmas threw up on my feet. I love it.
I got Kenta some awesome Lego salt and pepper shakers. I can't seem to find a picture of them....but I did buy him an awesome argyle sweater that he wore to church the very next day:
Thomas wouldn't let go of his new cars during the post-church photo shoot:
Thanks for coming, Grandma! Sorry the baby didn't want to come out and play while you were here!
One more Thomas picture. Just because he's cute. That's all.
Dude, creamed eggs on toast is awesome! We grew up on that stuff. Surprisingly delicious! Love the cankle coverups (not that you even have cankles!!) I could use some though ; ) Also totally love that all the guys were sporting their new Christmas sweaters the next day at church. So cute. Glad you guys had a lovely navidad!
I love you guys so much AND I miss you! I wish I could be there to sing that baby out of its comfy space and to see Thomas and Elliot play together.
Creamed eggs- I'm not so sure about that. Although I do love me some poached egg on grits and most folks sneer at that!
Thomas looks like such a little man! I can't believe how old he looks!
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