Sunday, January 9, 2011

Waiting....and the Boat Cup

Let's just pretend, for the sake of my lazy blogging, that I haven't had a baby yet. Close your eyes...imagine that I'm still 41 wks. pregnant with no end in sight...okay. Now you may read this post:

Although reaching 41 wks gestation is a feat that fewer and fewer women these days can claim (what, with all the handy dandy inductions), I found myself incubating a week longer than I had planned. I wish I could say it was the best week ever and I didn't complain or feel sorry for myself, but that would be a lie. I did feel sorry for myself. My mom was in town until the 27th, but a snow storm kept her here a few days longer. I thought that she would end up being here to help when the baby came, but not so. Baby Hood had other plans and I wasn't quite sure that I liked them all that much.

It wasn't until a few days past my due date that I realized, "Hey. This is really cool. Kenta gets time off of work for the holidays and it's just us here at home with Thomas. We'll never get a chance to have this time with just him again". So, I had a change of heart and decided to embrace each "extra" day we had with our little dude. The weather even warmed up, so we got to do something that we have been planning since last spring:


A little back story: in a game of Trivial Pursuit, my brother-in-law, Brady, got a question wrong about what the name of the most famous regatta was in the US (or something along those lines). It was a multiple choice question and he couldn't decide between "America's Cup" and the "Boat Cup". Of course, he chose "Boat Cup", for which we laughed him to scorn and have never let him live it down. (side note: if you know Brady, next time you see him, ask him about Theodore Geisel.)

Anyway, last spring we planned a Boat Cup of our very own, to honor the memory of many a fantastic Trivial Pursuit match between team Kendall/Rika and team Kenta/Brady. We never got around to it back then, but a big snow, followed by a few sunny days, provided just the right conditions for a winter Boat Cup.

Kenta found the youtube video and folded the boats while Thomas supplied the paper

Thomas loved looking at his little boat.

Next, we went out to the little stream in our apartment complex to launch the boats. We scoped out a good location - a location that we BOTH agreed would be best, as the boats would not have to pass through a ton of rocks and potentially get stuck and waterlogged. Kenta decided after I started recording to go to a location further back from the agreed upon starting point. I'll let you listen to my "I told you so" voice and watch the Boat Cup in all of its glory:

I am such a bossy wife, aren't I?

1 comment:

Rika Burr said...

yes you are bossy.

also, i laughed at the tiny glimpse of watching kenta fall about 5 times.

also, kevin.

also, the little general.