Me: "How was Thomas?"
Kenta: "Oh, he was GREAT! I put him down and he didn't make a peep."
Me: "Really? He must have been tired."
Kenta: "Well, actually I had given him half a cookie earlier. He loved it. He carried it around forever and only ate about 1/4 of it before I had to put him to bed with it."
Me: "You put him to bed..."
Kenta: "hmmm....?"
Me: "With a cookie?"
Kenta: "Yes."
Me: "....."
Kenta: "....."
Me: "Well, that explains why he didn't 'make a peep'. "
Kenta: "I just figured it was easier to let him keep the cookie, than try and take it away from him. He would have thrown a fit."
Me: "Hmmm...I guess that also explains why Thomas likes you more than me."
I've since decided that Thomas won't die from going to bed with a cookie one time (I've been assured that this won't happen again).
However, the first thing Thomas said to me when I got him out of bed this morning was, "Big cookie?". To which I responded, "How about some oatmeal? Or scrambled eggs?". It's all fun and games when Daddy's in charge. Not so much when Mommy is.
(Lest you think I am ripping on Kenta's parenting skills, here's some proof that he really is a good dad):

Ohhh...boys. I do not understand you.
Everyone sing together now: "Dad is great! Gives us chocolate cake!"
Well, it's kind of hard. Thomas sees you all day, not that it's bad, but when Daddy gets home it's just a little time to play with him, then bed. So Dad is a little more of a fun time guy than Mom. It won't always be that way.
Also, I'm an expert on parenting, just look at how amazing my kids are.
Oh, this is hilarious. Love it.
this has me laughing so hard. you could change the names to abigail and tristan and the same situation/outcome/conversation could have happened in my house!
Ahhh make me smile...being the old mom of 3 that I am, and having Joey traveling so much, it's the SAME thing happening here, but I just let it be. I know the boys probably like him more too, and I'm the heavy, but someone has to be right?! ;)
although i THOROUGHLY enjoyed seeing pictures of kenta and baby abby, i didn't need proof to know that he's such a great dad! i'm so glad you shared this moment in your home. i have a feeling it happens to most stay-at-home-moms.
love you
miss you
Going to bed with cookies is my favorite part of being an adult.
Mine has been known to feed our children fruit snacks and little debbie snack cakes for dinner... is it any wonder that I can't even get them to eat baked chicken? lol
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