Saturday, March 13, 2010

Birthday Boy: Chapter 2

Did you think there was only going to be one chapter? Sillies!! Thomas had such a great birthday, we had to blog about it TWICE!! I'm sure the suspense is killing you.....

Here's how the day went:

Apparently Thomas was super-stoked about celebrating his first birthday, so he decided to wake up at 4:30 a.m. with a poopy diaper. Not cool. I let him go back to bed and he slept in until the GLORIOUS time of 7:15 a.m. (about 1.5 hours later than usual). I decided it was time for a little pay back, since I was so rudely awakened earlier that morning:

We couldn't start the festivities without Daddy, so we got him up, too:

After a tasty breakfast, we let Thomas open a few of his presents. Not really something I ever did growing up, but I needed part of his present to take to church with us, so we just let him dig in.

Turns out he's a pro at present unwrapping. The hardest part was keeping him focused on the task at hand (opening new toys) and not getting distracted (playing with old toys)

Getting distracted:

Attempt at refocusing:


What could it be????? It's a.......

hazardous piece of plastic!!!


A soft, fuzzy Thomas blanket!! (Thanks Ojiichan and Obaachan)

At about this moment, we realized that we weren't taking any video, so here is the video that we took (warning: if you are not a grandparent of the birthday boy, you might find the following videos extremely boring):

And here's the second gift:

Notice that that is the same box. We decided to throw some books into it while he wasn't looking. We're cheap like that. Don't judge. Thomas didn't know the difference and was quite excited about his new church entertainment. Trucks and tractors keep little boys reverent. Who knew?

And he did look quite dashing in his birthday suit:

(Zip decided to make a cameo on the birthday blog post.)

After church, we came home and partook of some delicious birthday foods. We had yummy spaghetti and, of course, birthday cake. Actually, Kenta and I didn't eat the cake because it was some kind of "healthy" raisin, carrot, applesauce concoction. Imagine a birthday muffin of sorts, if you will. We just stuck a candle in it, so it looked pretty legit:

Seriously - you aren't fooling me, lady. That thing better not have bran in it.

Kenta and I snacked on some ice cream and homemade hot fudge. We want to hold off on introducing him to REAL junk food. That way, there's more for us. Besides, Thomas seemed perfectly content gnawing on his Texas-sized birthday muffin.

psssshhh....birthday muffin is so much better than ice cream.

Afterwards - more presents!! Unfortunately, the unveiling of said presents is documented in some painfully long videos, so I'll just summarize what he got: lots and lots of Thomas the Tank Engine gear! Shirts, sweatshirts, shorts...this kid will be decked out in train outfits all spring, summer, and fall. Thanks again, Ojiichan and Obaachan!

Well, that does it. It was a great birthday. Good times were had by all. What will the next year bring for our little man? Upright mobility? Coherent speech? Maxillary and mandibular canines? We'll keep you posted. Until then, one last shot of our little dude:

Love you, buddy!


The Chambers said...

LOVE IT! He is getting so big and SO handsome. It sounds like the day went well and Thomas was spoiled! It's OK to be spoiled rotten on your birthday right? of course. His "cake" sounded yummy. Is that a healthy muffin recipe? I want it if it is! Hope all is well! MISS YOU! :o)

Mindy Jo said...

K so I'm not a grandparent and I wasn't bored! I loved hearing you and Kenta and watching Thomas crawl around! Very cute. Can't believe that baby is ONE!! :)
Happy happy!
Love you both

Amie said...

I honestly love that you recycled the box- that's sounds so Searcy! We love Thomas the birthday boy and miss all of you!

Ami said...

Wait, you have a friend named Amie? This is blowing my mind.
Happy Birthday, Thomas! I'm glad he loved all his toys and their packaging. He is following the ways of the Native Americans and the buffalo.

Casey&Mal said...

This boy only gets cuter and cuter!!! Happy he had a good first birthday! I can't believe he is getting sooo big!

Maren said...

I'm impressed at your birthday muffin. That's a really good idea. Molly's already been introduced to sweet goodness having partaken of the pancakes and coffee cake muffins that Calvin refuses to finish. It's nice that babies can be used as vaccuums sometimes.