A lot sad.
Remember when he was just a young sapling:

and was so teeny tiny:

and would sleep anywhere:

and loved to be cuddled by his mommy

....(most of the time)?

We are so lucky to have a kid that's always so happy....

....well, except for the times that he's not...

Now he's a big boy. Or thinks he is, anyway.
He reads books
and plays ball
and drives cars
and brushes his new MOLARS
and styles his hair
and flirts with the ladies
Where has my baby gone?
I always wondered if I'd be one of those moms that would cry on the first day of kindergarten. I pretty much knew that I would be when Thomas was like two days old and I looked at Kenta tearfully and said, "He's growing up too fast!" If anyone ever finds that fountain of youth, I'm all over it. I'd fill my kids' sippy cups with it just to keep them small and adorable. Kenta and I have talked about Thomas and his cuteness and wondered - when does the cute stage end? When he starts getting snaggle teeth? When he gets an attitude? When he turns two? All I know is that, genetically, this kid is doomed to have to endure the awkwardest of awkward years. I guess you'll know when his cute stage is over because I'll quit posting pictures of him. KIDDING!!! I'm not that shallow. Until then, we can all enjoy his cuteness, as this blog has basically become a shrine to it.
What this world needs is a lot more pictures of happy babies like that.
Happy birthday, Thomas!
LOVED this! Kendall, I miss you. Come visit often OK?! PLEASE? Promise? He has gotten so big and I have enjoyed watching him learn and grow. You have such a special family. I absolutely adore the picture of him "flirting with the ladies." And I will too be one of those moms who cries on the first day of kindergarten, hands down. I cry about EVERYTHING! MISS YOU! Hope all is well! :o)
Happy Happy Day!
Thomas is GORGEOUS and certainly always will be!
Love ya!
p.s. I LOVE the shrine!
You can never have too many pictures of a kid who is THAT cute! I love the bubble hair one in the tub. That is priceless! And his flirty face in his little suit is to die for. I've seen that smile directed at me and I can tell you right now it just melts your heart! What a sweetie. (And yes, I cry when my kids get older too!)
I TOTALLY understand what you are saying. For so long I wanted a little baby....where is that baby now? Talking, eating real food, reading books to herself and playing on the floor. I feel like the "baby" stage was a half a second long.
Don't get me wrong, now is SO FUN too, but I have a toddler now. No more baby :(
I gave Dane another haircut yesterday and had to hold back the tears of how old he looks. So yeah. I hear you.
Happy Birthday Thomas! You are so cute, and Dane is so happy to have a Hood cousin.
Also, here's a link to a kid in my ward who kind of looks like Thomas (although Thomas is way cuter)
Happy birthday little man!! I can't believe it's been a year!!
OHHHHHH, Happy Birthday Thomas! We missed you at music yesterday and Elliot misses you so much. I miss your parents! Keep smiling you precious boy!
Super cute! I know what it feels like to look back and see how they've grown. Time to have another one...
I cried my eyes out on the first day of Kindergarden for Grace. I'm sure I will with the rest of them too. Just last week I cried because my last baby is growing up so fast. I LOVE my babies.
He'll stop being cute when he starts taking up after his ugly uncle Kenji
I still think all of mine are pretty cute, even though most of them have snaggly teeth and have hit the awkward stage. I could live without the attitude sometimes. And the snarky comments. Although, they are my kids and therefore genetically programmed for that.
Happy Birthday Thomas!!
Happy Birthday, Thomas!
Congratulations Kendall and Kenta on a very successful year of parenthood!
Also? Cutest post evarrr. :)
I can't believe he's 1 either! Because that means that mine is right behind him! I can't stand how fast time flies! I hate it. I want to lock them in a little bubble forever! But, Brady can't wait to have someone to play basketball with, so he wants him to get big faster.
Thomas is just way to cute. And I'm sure he's just gonna get cuter and cuter.
I can't believe he's 1 either! Because that means that mine is right behind him! I can't stand how fast time flies! I hate it. I want to lock them in a little bubble forever! But, Brady can't wait to have someone to play basketball with, so he wants him to get big faster.
Thomas is just way to cute. And I'm sure he's just gonna get cuter and cuter.
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