Though they are disgusting beyond anything you will ever behold, it is worth noting that the mullet holds an important place in the evolution of male (and female - let's not forget the "femullet") hair styling. I mean, seriously, think of the most popular celebrities from the 80s/early 90s - there are a plethora of mulleted celebs in this era. Having some trouble remembering? Let me help you jog your memory a bit:

Uncle Jesse. I might have had a crush on him, despite that unsightly growth on the top of his head

Don't hassle the Hoff

I have nothing to say about this one. Just enjoy it in all of its long, flowing, receding hairlinededness glory (totally made that word up)

Okay. Have I made you sick yet? Word to the wise: never do a google image search for "mullets" - it will make you queasy. Now that I've properly established the significance of mullets in history, I think I can succinctly describe my hopes of them returning to mainstream hair fashion in one word:
With that said, imagine my horror when I gazed upon my darling son and discovered that, yes indeed, he was sporting the classic beginnings of "business in front":
"party in the back":
The horror! The shame! I had to do something about it. We whipped the scissors out and nipped that sprouting mullet in the bud.
Cutting a squirmy baby's hair was harder than I thought. We gave him his toothbrush to keep him occupied:
That worked for about thirty seconds. So we strapped him into his high chair:
which was good for an additional thirty seconds. After a little brainstorming, we came up with the winning combination:
Thomas, in the highchair, with the toothbrush, watching Muppet Bohemian Rhapsody. I began to de-mulletize the boy, while Kenta snapped some shots:
mullet remains:
After watching Muppet Bohemian Rhapsody five or six times, we were finally done. And Thomas was pretty much done at that point, too. We did manage to snap one semi-decent shot of his new 'do:
So, there you have it. I fought the urge of many a mother to hold onto that last scraggily bit of baby hair. If ignored for another few weeks, we could have had a full-blown mullet on our hands. Crisis averted!!
Crisis Averted and Hallelujah!
I wish somebody would've told me to CUT IT OFF a lot sooner than we did, with Jack!
I'm ashamed to say he suffered from very bad hair because I 'just couldn't part with it.'
I'm proud of you! :)
Thomas is ADORABLE!
Kendall, that mullet tribute was HILARIOUS! You've got some writing skills sister! Good stuff! (And Thomas is looking very handsome with his new do!)
Oh, Kendall, how I miss you all! Thanks for the giggle!
Oh, we were TOTALLY guilty of letting Isak have a mullet of sorts until he was 3 - then I adjusted it to be more of a California surfer hairdo. I don't hate the mullet - at least not EVERY mullet, and I predict a strong comeback in the not too distant future.
Great post though, and excellent pictures!
Oh, you KNOW I love this posst! Most normal folks would shy away from the occasional mullet sighting, but I get down-right giddy. Hopefully that won't be Thomas' last "babe-let"
Awesome! Now I see your blog! Very cute... all of my boys have had mullets and sadly Anna has been sporting a femullet (great word) for most of her life. In Canada we called it hockey hair :)
Ohhhh my gosh Kendall...I laughed so hard! Seriously outloud...had to share with Joey who even got tickled! Soo stinkin' funny! Love you!---Miss you!!
Love this post. I've been reading Andre Agassi's autobiography and thinking about how I had a little crush on him c. 1992. He kept talking about his mullet, and I kept thinking, "Nah, I would never have had a crush on someone with a mullet..." but a Google image search proves I did!
Well played, keeping Thomas away from that tragedy! :)
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