That's right. I attended my first slumber party in approxomately 10 years. And if I am lucky, I will not have to repeat the process for another 10 years. The experience has left me depleted of energy, reason, and sanity and has me agreeing with Garth that I am "much too young to feel this
#@%! old".
I know, I know. I am only 24 (25 in June). So I am not that old. But what was I doing at a slumber party? And where was Kenta during all of this?
I was called as a YW counselor in our ward about 4 months ago. The girls have been begging for a slumber party ever since. We, the presidency, acquiesced and scheduled the "perfect" (i.e. one where we could all physically be there) weekend to do it. That was over two months ago. In the meantime, our president found out she was pregnant, the other counselor had to undergo some major medical procedure and passed like 12 kidney stones, the secretary was suffering from horrible migraines, and I was stuck in a neverending stream of rehearsals and performances. But we did it, anyway.
Friday night as I was packing my bag, I realized that Kenta and I do not own sleepover friendly bedding (sleeping bags, extra blankets, etc). We didn't even have a spare tube of toothpaste for me to take. I said good-bye to Kenta andwe went our separate ways. He went off to celebrate his night alone by grabbing Harv's BBQ and racing his RC car with a friend. I went off to my slumber party.
It really was fun. We watched some home movies that the girls and our president had made. We stayed up and talked for awhile. Some people zonked out early, but I got to the "past tired" point. At 2:00 a.m., I found myself grabbing a slice of supreme pizza and engaged in deep conversation. Finally around 3:00, I settled down on the floor underneath the pool table. at home, I had grabbed my pillow and some random blanket that Grandma Madsen made for me when I was four.
It was too short.
My toes got cold.
To compensate for the cold toes, I curled up into a tiny ball on my side so I could fit under it. That meant that my shoulder was smashed against the ground. That lasted until about 4:30 a.m., when I woke up needing to go to the bathroom and needing a larger blanket. I stumbled downstairs and found some comforter that I had seen in a closet earlier that evening. I layed down next to the piano. The sun (and someone in the Tucker family using the blender) woke me up at 7:00 a.m. I was up for the day. There was no turning back.
I had to come home then and get ready to go to a rehearsal. I left a house full of exhausted, sleeping girls. I was envying Kenta for having had a good night's rest in our bed at home. When I came home and asked him how he slept, his answer surprised me.
"Terrible. I missed you."