Friday, September 30, 2011

And the mother of the year award goes to.......

In the past 24 hours, I have:

1) Hit him in the face with a tennis ball during a game of catch
2) Exposed him to cat dander, which, apparently he is deathly allergic to
3) Caught his belly button in his zipper while putting his jammies on (the hazards of being an outtie)
4) Stepped on his fingers while chasing after a ball (during another game of catch)
5) Left a bottle of "Easy to Open!" ibuprofen within reach of his curious hands*
6) Hurt his feelings more times than I can count

* All the pills were counted and we calculated the number of missing pills that I know I have taken in the past three weeks. We are pretty sure he didn't ingest any, but poison control was called anyway. Note to self: don't leave medicine on the counter. Even if you think your 2 yr. old can't reach it. And buy childproof bottles.

And after all of this, he still loves me.

Okay. It took a little bribing.

But I maintain that he would have loved me anyway.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Welcome to motherhood...again. :) But seriously, there's no way you could possibly compete with me for this title. I've committed so many mother sins that I've quit trying to catalog them. And now that I have older daughters, I unwittingly (even more than normal, anyway) commit them daily as well.... And isn't bribery the nice things about kids. That's why I maintain nursery to be a much less stressful calling than RS--when you offend your little nursery children, you bring them candy, and they love you again. If only we could do that with adults. ;)