Sunday, March 20, 2011

When he is good, he is very, very good, but when he is bad....

I love my boy. He is a cutie pie and super-sweet. But some days - oh, my. Watch out. Now that he is officially two, tantrums have been kicked up a notch. Or ten. Take last Friday for example. Thomas wanted to help me make some bread. Basically he just wanted to lick flour off the counter. He was making a huge mess, but I didn't mind because he was HAPPY!!! When I tried to get a picture of the glorious, floury mess, things started out okay:

Until I asked him to "say cheese!". After that simple request, this was all I got:

*No children were harmed in the documentation of this tantrum

*Sigh*. I wish I could understand what was going on inside his brain a little better. Then maybe our days would be filled with far fewer frustrating moments like this.

Maybe I'm a bad mom for taking pictures of my tantruming child, but honestly - being a few days removed from this event - I can laugh now at just how utterly absurd most of his tantrums are. And maybe some day Thomas can laugh at himself, too.

And I promise next time I write something about Thomas, it will be filled with pictures of a cheerful, compliant child (nevermind that that child will probably be Abby.....)


Bruthahood said...

Considering how you don't like having to say cheese in a camera either, I think I know where this tantrum was inherited from and it wasn't me!

LJ said...

Your comment about Thomas wanting to just lick flour off the counter made me think of the time I made myself a tortilla with flour and butter on it as a snack. Did i mention my mom had been teaching me how to make roux? Which starts out as cooked flour and butter and is outrageously delicious?

Turned out a roux-topped tortilla was better in theory and my mom thought I was crazy.

I am now officially addicted to your blog. The end.

Laurie Jayne

Beccarigg said...

Okay so first of all, Thomas is such a handsome dude, even throwing a tantrum. ; ) Second of all, don't feel bad for documenting it! I have a 15 minute video of Teya screaming her lungs out when she's 22 months because I turned off the t.v. It was awful at the time but watching it now is hysterical! Besides, I think taking pictures or video of their naughty moments brings a little humor and perspective to the situation and helps me stay calm when I want to pull my hair out ; )

Cassandra said...

Your kitchen is super cute, even with Thomas screaming in it : )

More pictures of Abby, please. Those eyes, good heavens--she's not just beautiful, she's stunningly beautiful.

The Chambers said...

will you be mad at me if I laugh at how cute he looks in those photos? Good, cause I did a little. :O) At least you're a cool mom and let him throw flour everywhere. Love the darling pics of your new princess. She's a doll.

Steph said...

I love that last photo - he's like a celebrity screaming at the paparazzi to get out of his face.

madrilenamer said...

Bwaaahaaahaaa!! LOVE the pics!! Laughed quite hard because Eli would NEVER do anything like that. Snort.

I actually think you are a very GOOD mom for taking pics of his tantrum. My sister-in-law (who is a wonderful woman and mother and I look up to her very much) recommended that when Eli makes a big mess or does something really frustrating, I should just take a picture. That way, I get a little perspective, and it gives me time to realize that the situation is temporary and will probably seem really funny soon. It actually helps tremendously. Now I think being a mother is about the most entertaining profession out there!

Sharon said...

Perhaps it's mean, but we video our girls' meltdowns sometimes. My plan is to keep the videos until they have their own kids. Then when their kids have tantrums, I can show them their kids inherited it from them! :)