Sunday, March 27, 2011

Trick question

Q:When a two year old asks you for spinach - what do you do?

A:High-five yourself for raising such an awesome kid and give it to him (of course).

Thomas Likes Spinach! from Kenta Hood on Vimeo.

Oh, well. I knew that when he asked for it, it was a little too good to be true.

But he actually did ingest some. I swear.


Steph said...

Well at least he has the sense to take it out. Hank just stuffs his mouth full and then gets down from the table. I've gone to brush his teeth and he can't open his mouth because it's so stuffed with food from 30 minutes earlier. We check now before we let him get down from the table.

Cute sweater, by the way. And the Mr. Rogers music was a nice touch.

Maren said...

Did you give him cooking oil to drink too? Just wondering because it was sitting so close to him :)

Bates Blogger said...

I love how carefully he takes it out of his mouth. I'm sure he got some of the nutrients from chewing it.

madrilenamer said...

Ha! That's so cute! I love his "later, bye!" Soooo cute!