I think I exhausted all my energies and creativity into making costumes, so it took me a few weeks to recover enough to document their epicness. But first things first:
You may recall last year's trip to the pumpkin patch. I decided to be a better mom this year and take my kid before only reject pumpkins were left. I had visions of cute pictures of Thomas and pumpkins dancing in my head. This is what I got instead:
Okay, okay. He didn't hate every minute of it. There were moments of happiness. Like when he cradled a gourd:
and threw the little pumpkins behind the big pumpkins:
And sat in the wagon, watching the tractor roll by:
And after all that, we didn't buy a single pumpkin. Apartment dwelling has left me less-than-inspired to decorate for holidays. Or decorate for anything, for that matter. Sad day. Luckily Thomas did not care.
Lest you think I am the Grinch that stole Halloween, I will show you just how much I put into Halloween costume preparations this year.
Remember how I live in an apartment? And I have no place to store extra things? Or space to decorate? HA! That didn't stop me from concocting the most AWESOME HALLOWEEN COSTUMES EVAH!! It took weeks of planning and a week of spray painting on my porch (by the cover of darkness, so my neighbors wouldn't report me), but I was able to transform Kenta and I into:

Mother Hood Barbie and her KENta doll. We won second place in the costume contest at the most legit Halloween party I have ever attended. Our prizes: dinner for two at Chili's and tickets to a movie of our choice. It was worth every penny I spent on that blonde wig (that will probably never be worn again), every minute of sleep I forfeited sewing my shirt and apron, and every brain cell I lost from inhaling hot pink spray paint fumes.
I had no energy left to even think about making a costume for Thomas. Lucky for me, he inherited a costume from cousin Abe, which was worn at the trunk or treat the following week:

I take absolutely no credit for the creation of the monkey costume. Props to my sister, Stephanie, and her mad sewing skillz.
I abandoned the Barbie box most of the night. Abandoned cardboard boxes are kid magnets. Every kid wanted a turn in the box. Thomas was no exception:

(he's peeking out of the armhole)
Kenta took Thomas out beg....uh, "trunk-or treating" for candy while I manned our candy station. He felt really guilty about making the rounds with Thomas, knowing full well where most of that candy would end up (our bellies). So after a few stops, he called it quits and came back to hang out with me.
Kenta basically foiled my Halloween plans with his honesty, but I did manage to ration our candies well enough while handing them out to have a stash of Skittles afterwards. (totally kidding - I over bought and ended up with an entire unopened bag of Skittles). Mmmmm...Skittles...
Hope your Halloween was as fun as ours!
Wow! Those costumes are AMAZING!!! I'm shocked that you only got second...seriusly...you guys are so creative!
You are so, awesome!! :)
#1. I miss you.
#2. Yeah, I agree, you totally should have taken the 1st place award...those costumes rocked.
#3. Never regret buying a wig.
#4. Is that my favorite crime-fightin, chain-wearin, mohawk-sportin fashionista on Thomas' t-shirt? I pity the fool who don't have your style!
Second.... seriously? What were the first place people dressed like? That's impressive, and I have to agree with Amie - never regret buying a wig. I'm sure you'll have years of blondness dressing up to look forward to.
Love it! I loved the costumes. You are so funny. I laugh out loud when I read you posts. Nate probably thinks I am crazy. Oh well, you give me my daily dose of laughs! Thanks
I'm with Amanda, you always make me laugh! And yes, your costumes were rocking. Little Thomas was so cute at trunk or treat too! And just think, you did this all 7 months pregnant. You are my hero.
Yeah, I want to know what possibly could've beat your costumes! A nd that monkey costume is A-DOR-ABLE!!!!
Thomas looks great in his costume. Congrats on getting him to wear the hat and look almost as cute as Abe did.
Okay, you need to write for a living because you always make me laugh! Loved your post, loved your costumes, loved your reference to "the most legit Halloween party" (I'm seriously going to quote that now when bragging to my family about our party ; ) And of course love Thomas in his crying pumpkin pics and his beyond awesome monkey costume. Halloween rules!
finally more pictures of thomas! I currently have the one of thomas crying at the pumpkin patch as my background.
the little general.
Seriously that is awesome that you won 2nd place! Your family's lookin' good! Hugs!
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