Good news, everybody! Baby's head has found its way into my pelvis. We are so delighted that this little one was comfortable with the idea hanging out upside down for the final weeks of gestation. You might recall the
drama I went through trying to get Thomas to turn. I really could have spared myself a lot of emotional turmoil if I had just been able to see what life would be like a few years down the road. Now that I've had 20+ months getting to know Thomas, I can say with certainty that there was no amount of bargaining, pleading, reasoning, or coaxing that would get him to change his mind. It didn't work in utero and it still doesn't work today. Thomas does things on his OWN terms (even if my way is easier and better). What can I say? I'm happy to have a kid with conviction. I won't have to worry about him following the crowd or getting pushed around.
Anyway, after THAT emotional roller coaster, it feels good to be (almost) completely sure that this little kid is a little more cooperative than Big Brother and will probably stay head down until the end. And the best part about all of this good news? We got to see the baby again.
Oh, hi. What's up, everybody? Just chillin' in here where it's warm and cozy. I'll come out and party with you guys really soon. Oh, and hey - can you feed my mom lots of pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving? Yeah. I really like that stuff. Okay, thanks. Bye.We're really excited about meeting our new little friend. Especially Thomas:

I love Thomas' face in that last picture. priceless. And I am also so glad your baby is head down! I can't wait to meet him/her.
Yay!!! That's so exciting. When is your exact due date? And good luck with gettin' enough pumpkin pie!
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