Well, it happened. Again. I got tagged by my sister-in-law. I'm supposed to write about "8 Things" or something like that. But I'm a rebel who loathes being tagged, but can't say no to my sister-in-law. So I did a little twist on "8 Things" - which I have entitled "My Favorite Things". Just sing my new lyrics along to the Sound of Music classic that we all know and love (well, at least I do). I've even provided some horrible midi music to help you along ( it might take a minute to start). Eat your heart out, Julie Andrews:
My Favorite Things:
Sushi consumed with soy sauce and wasabi

Awesome deals at Target and Hobby Lobby

These are a few of my favorite things
Miniture horses and soft baby bottoms
Pumpkin custard, OU football in Autumn

These are a few of my favorite things
Any reality series on Bravo

Thanksgiving dinner with orange rolls and pavo (that's "turkey" in Spanish)

Watching the sun rise (most) every morning

These are a few of my favorite things
When my feet swell
When my back aches
When I'm feeling sad
I simply remember my favorite things
And then I don't feel sooooo bad
So that's my little list of a few of my favorite things. Probably not as extravagant as Oprah's list, but these are the little things that I am thankful for because they really do bring a smile to my face. And how appropriate that it's the Thanksgiving season. I hope you are all able to take some time during the holidays and reflect on what you are most thankful for. What are a few of your favorite things?
Cute Kendall - and much more creative than the 8 Things list I tagged you with!
How cute was that?! :) I love you too my sista in the Hood. Thank you for loving my boys...
Harp or song writting??? I think that you should have taken up writting song lyrics!
Your blog is truly one of my favorite things!!!
I LOVE it! SO cute!
I LOVE getting to know you better! Thanks, Kendall! I miss you!
I can't compete with that. Awesome.
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