After a fun 4th of July weekend at my parents', we were driving back home Sunday morning when I saw this yellow flash in my rear view mirror. I missed that - I think I was asleep. I periodically check my mirrors and this was just like normal. I was not paying attention to anything at all and this was just like normal. Well, I looked back at the road when it finally occured to me what I had just seen. What was it? It was a Lamborghini Diablo! Did Kenta just say that he saw the Diablo on I-35?

I stuck by the Diablo for a couple of miles because I knew things would be fine next to it ("all is well in Zion, all is well - and thus the DIABLO cheateth their souls...") Normally, super cars are going much faster so it's difficult to keep up but this guy was well behaved and wasn't speeding ("and others he flattereth away...") We followed him for several miles ("...and leadeth them away into broad roads that they perish and are lost") and Kendall got some good pictures of it with her cell phone. It looks innocent enough - BEWARE!!!
There was an interesting point where I was catching up to him going about 7 over , when he slowed down. I thought it was the perfect opportunity to get next to him, so I slowed down, too. Then the Diablo jumped off an overpass and we followed it. Just kidding. Next thing I see is a motorcycle officer in the shadows of the overpass just ahead with his radar gun pointed directly at the Diablo. Doesn't the cop know that a radar gun cannot stop the Diablo? Yeah, it was relieving knowing that if anyone would ever get pulled over, it would be him ( "and others will he pacify, and lull them away into carnal security...")
So, to give you an idea of the size of the thing, it sits just 3.658 ft tall. Yeah, really small. I always imagined the Diablo would be much taller.
Here's where we followed along next to the Diablo. I think this stretch of highway is called "the road to perdition".

Here a shot from behind. I guess I can't complain - at least the only behinds that he looks at belong to cars.

Yes, it was amazing. I'm still trying to recover from coming face to fender with the Diablo today.
*editor's note* I was not aware until today that Kenta knew how to spell "Lamborghini" but did not know how to spell "licorice" ("lickerish").
And why yellow? I've always wondered this? Wow- it looks so fast...I only wish I could have a picture from HIS vantage point (Kentall drooling and trying not to wreck and Kendall snapping shots with her camera). Does this classify as stalking? I love this blog!
That was freaking hilarious. I'm especially loving the map - you are such a huge nerd, Kenta. I'm so glad Kendall's there to make fun of you.
(Oh, and I finally updated our blog, Kendall.)
Kenta - The next time you guys come to visit us I should take you around town. It's not uncommon to see supercars of every variety here in NorCal - Ferraris, Dodge Vipers, Lotuses, Bentleys, Shelby Cobras, etc. In fact I used to work with a guy who owned a Lamborghini Gallardo AND a tricked out Acura NSX (like they even need tricking out), and another guy who drives a Lotus Elise as his everyday commuter (I've gotten to ride in all three!). They're even more fun to drive in than to look at!
You guys are hilarious! I totally thought when you mentioned the police officer that you were going to get pulled over at the end of the story. Thanks for the laughs!
I know nothing about cars - I'm laughing hysterically about Kenta's spelling of licorice! Does it get any better? I TOO LOVE THIS BLOG!
nice...very nice! There was a white lamborghini parked at a movie theater here in Memphis this summer, and I TOUCHED it!...very lightly...with one finger...
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