Sunday, April 29, 2012

Weapon of choice

Multiple choice question for you.

No. 2 pencils ready?

Here goes:

Which "gun" have I been "shot" with this past week?:

glue gun

harp tuning key

The state of Florida

Don't over think it.....

need a little more time?

Ready for the answer?

Answer:  d) all of the above.  Yeah.  Kind of a trick question.  That wasn't really fair of me, was it?

I have no idea where Thomas learned how to shoot a gun.  We don't have any toy guns.  To my knowledge, he has never seen a gun being shot in real life or on TV.   I'm just convinced little boys are born with a gene that enables them to turn any object into a weapon.  You and I see a puzzle piece of the state of Florida.  Thomas sees a gun.

But if he had to choose a weapon, I'm glad he chose a gun.  This mom pretty much sums up my feelings on pretend weapons.  Guns are just safer. Just a few pictures to illustrate the point.

Please appreciate that there are no bullets coming out of the toy gun.  And the distance between Abby and Thomas. And that she is really unimpressed with his antics.

So there you have it.  I let my son play with guns.  If only you could hear the shooting sounds he makes with them.  Again.  No idea where he learned that either.

And how could we talk about weapons of choice without thinking of Christopher Walken dancing through an empty hotel?



Bruthahood said...

I think you completely forgot the fact that you shot a gun while he was still in the womb.
Maybe that's where he gets it? Or maybe because he's a Hood and we all grew up around guns?

Steph said...

I admit it, my boys are weird. I don't think it's ever occurred to either of them to pretend with guns. We even bought Abe a pretend gun and it sits gathering dust along with the handcuffs. Kind of sad.

Steph said...

Forgot to mention it flies in the face of your theory, Kenta: I, too, shot guns when pregnant. At least with Hank.

Ami said...

One word: Jiichan. There are a lot of things that I think, "where the heck did Dane pick up on that?" that came from Jiichan. Some are more cringe-inducing than others.