A few weeks ago, Thomas celebrated his 2nd birthday. I was really hoping that he would be having one of his "good days" (i.e. a day where he has been sent to timeout less than 10 times),but unfortunately, most of the day ended up being pretty bad. An appropriate way to usher in the "terrible twos", I suppose.
I started a family tradition of taking pictures of the birthday boy/girl first thing in the morning when I see them. Thomas is not a morning person, as was evident in his "good morning" birthday picture on his first birthday

As it turned out, the passage of an entire year did nothing to improve his morning disposition. But I still tried to get some pictures of the birthday boy in all of his "I-just-woke-up-get-that-camera-out-of-my-face" glory.

Did I mention that I can't take one-handed pictures? They are always blurry.
I thought maybe after I got Thomas dressed, he would be feeling a bit more chipper.

Nope. Aaaaand....

..definitely nope. (These were actually two-handed pictures. Credit Thomas's supersonic limb flailing for the blurriness).
The day wasn't entirely bad. There was a happy moment when he ate strawberries and ham (pronounced "HAIM") for breakfast.
Not something we usually eat for breakfast, but it was his birthday, so hey - anything goes.

My memory is a little fuzzy, but I think after breakfast there were a few timeouts and some tantrums. I was really hoping that lunch and a nice long nap would snap him out of it:

Thomas isn't the only one who should be blamed for having a crummy day. Let's not forget how I baked the birthday cake and thought, "Hmmmm, we've had this mix for awhile and saw this:

As my niece pointed out, Thomas's birthday cake was actually older than him. Niiiiiiice. So I debated as to whether or not I should throw the cake away and get a new, unexpired one or just take my chances with the possibly harmful one. But I really didn't want to drag the kids outside to go to the store (I LOATHE going to the grocery store for ONE thing, plus it was pouring down rain all day), so I consulted the internetz, which then had me worried that my family would die from eating the cake because of possible mold spores. So I called my mom, who assured me that she fed us expired stuff all the time and none of us died (that I'm aware of...). So I decided to just feed us the expired cake. I slapped some white buttercream frosting on it and it didn't look a day over 3 months from its expiration date. And we are all still alive. Win.
Anyway...back to the actual birthday day. Kenta came home and things immediately got better. Thomas helped make "happy birthday pizza" and all was right with the world again.

Then it was time for cake and a skype date with Grandma and Grandpa:

Thomas received a much-anticipated birthday gift of TRAINS!!!!!! We didn't take any pictures (just a really long video) of the train opening, but believe me - he was stoked.
So now that Thomas has trains to play with, his life is complete and he has nothing more to complain about and we are living happily ever after. The End.
Hahahahaha!!!! Just kidding. Learning how to mother a toddler is quite an adventure. We have good days and bad days, but even on the worst of days, there is always a good moment or two with Li'l T.
Happy Birthday, little dude - we sure do love you!!