...is how I would describe the current state of my little boy, in three words or less. This is a first for us. His first time being sick and my first time taking care of a sick kid. Poor little guy.
I'm not quite sure what it is that he has. I can tell that he is way uncomfortable because he's been super-whiney and that's how I get when I'm sick and uncomfortable. Yesterday there was a drippy nose and eyes and the sniffles. I thought it might be allergies. He woke up less drippy today than yesterday, so I took that as a sign that he was on the mend. This excited me because I had plans to start a project and needed to make myself a Hobby Lobby run. Halfway to the Lob, I heard some painful cries from the backseat and then a horrible wretching noise. I've smelled some awful things in my young life, but I have discovered that banana barf is particularly offensive to my olfactory senses. Mission aborted: I turned the Hoodmobile around for the most direct course back home.
After I got the little guy cleaned up and took his temperature once again (negativo on the fever, so I ruled out The Swine) I suddenly realized that I didn't know what to do with my sick child. I waited for some motherly instincts to kick in, but they never did. So I called my mom.
Isn't it funny that no matter how old we get, when we are sick and not well, we still want our mommies? I remember a time when my younger brother got sick. My parents had just moved to Missouri. I was starting my sophomore year of college and my brother (almost 19) was starting his freshman year and living on his own for the first time. He got really sick and needed some serious TLC. I went over to our sister's house to meet him (she actually lived in my parents' old house with her family) and he was sitting on the front porch, crying, with his face in his hands. It was a pitiful sight. He was sick and needed his mom. But she wasn't there. So he went looking for another mom -my sister- to help him feel better.
So, as I'm contemplating a mother's ability to comfort a sick child, I'm wondering when this super-power kicks in because I know I sure don't have it yet. Poor little Thomas is probably suffering immensely because of it, too. Sorry buddy - I'm doing my best!
Since I can't figure out what to do with my sick baby, I thought I'd just take pictures to document how totally cute he is, even with drippy eyes and horrible banana barf breath.
Here are some of the "Best Ofs" from the sick Thomas photo shoot:

Poor guy. Get well soon, Thomas!
That's no fun! Hang in there, all of you!
The motherly instinct isn't some overwhelming flash of insight that empowers you to make them instantly well. You are already doing what Mom's do best. Allowing one more layer of stuff to grow in the corners of your shower while you snuggle and hold a sick little one. Medicine is helpful but a mothers touch and TLC is really the healer...and you have that down already.
oh no! First time with a sick baby...you can do it. And I think you have the "instincts", you're a smart cookie. Kendall, if this is too hard to do a lesson with him, or if you get sick too...let me know! PLEASE...I don't want to stress you out with a sick baby. OK!!! I hope he gets to feeling better.
it's a tough life, eh kiddo?! hope he's feeling well soon!
by the way, nat and i consider it a GREAT honor to have our blog liked so much by "the queen of entertaining blogs", as we have so worhtily dubbed you. we are without words that YOU are so impressed with out blog. we only hope we do not let you down (EVER!!!)
Pobrecito! I hope he's feeling better by know. FYI, I took Stockton in once because he kept sneezing over and over. The peditrician told me that babies don't get allergies. But, then in the next breath he said, "It's probably just something in the air bothering his nose." - Uh.... okay, then what exactly is an allergy then?
(By the way... my word verification looks like "Peru"... but it's "purru".)
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