We gave him a bath the night before we left so he would be squeaky clean when he met all the musicians.
Kenta stayed with Thomas and put him to bed on Friday night while I was in rehearsal. There was a bad thunderstorm that night and none of us slept very well. I was super-paranoid that Thomas would wake up our hotel neighbors. Surprisingly, he was in a great mood when he woke up the next morning (the video is two minutes long, but I promise it is worth watching):
On Saturday, I had another rehearsal in the morning. Kenta and Thomas hung out in the hotel room. Thomas took a nap and Kenta tried (unsuccessfully) to study in the dark. When I came back from rehearsal, we had some time to kill before Saturday night's performance. The weather was pretty rainy and yucky, so we took Thomas on a tour of the sixth floor.
The ice machine. We tried to teach him how to press the button, but.....
.....he was way more interested in the Coke machine.
Things were (obviously) kinda slow on the sixth floor, so I introduced Thomas to some hotel shenanigans that I learned as a youngster while traveling to swim meets across Oklahoma.
Elevator riding:

Stealing from the cleaning lady's cart (she actually almost did catch us)
After a fun day in the hotel, it was back to the concert hall. We took Thomas out on stage so he could see a few different instruments.
Will he play drums like his daddy did?
Or harp like his mommy?
I actually am grooming him to be a violist. I always thought the viola was cool - I just didn't have the talent (and still don't) to read alto clef. Living vicariously through my son? Perhaps. But I don't see anything wrong with wanting my son to play the viola. Violists have very easy temperaments....and violas aren't nearly as expensive or difficult to transport as a harp.
Thomas had a lot of fun meeting the musicians. The entire flute section was absolutely smitten with him. I am so lucky that I have a husband that supports me and lets me continue to develop my talents even now that I am a mommy. I'm so grateful that I still have opportunities to play. I can't play every job I would like to now, but having a baby and being a mommy/wife is the best job I could ever have. Playing the harp is just a bonus. What a great weekend! It was a Pops concert - I played music from Schindler's List and Raider's of the Lost Ark (both written by John Williams). Not every piece the orchestra played needed harp, so I was done by intermission. We decided to pack the car up and head home late Saturday night. Thomas was a good little traveler. He slept all the way to Ft. Smith and all the way home. The only trouble we came across was on our way home. We saw a car on eastbound I-40 (we were headed west) near Weleetka that was COMPLETELY engulfed in flames. Kenta called 911, but the dispatcher sounded really unalarmed that there was a flaming car on the interstate. We eventually saw two highway patrolmen speeding towards the car, but no fire engines or ambulances. Note to self: avoid car trouble in rural Oklahoma at all costs.
So that's that. Our Arkansas travels have come to an end. What new adventures await us? Only time will tell...stay tuned......
I'm pretty sure when Thomas started talking, he said "Ami." Swish.
I support your efforts to make him a violist. I have thought more than once that I should have played the viola instead.
PLUS: Violists are rare and always needed! What a fancy elevator- did it have a little red button that would shoot you out of a glass roof?
oh man I laughed so hard at the end of that video...the surprises you get on film! sounds like the 6th floor is pretty fun, you sure know how to party. You are such a special woman and wonderful mother! Kenta is a good husband to watch Thomas all that time. I want to come to one of your concerts, I have never heard you play, except for the little bit at the State Capitol. Let me know! I would LOVE to come.
What a fun trip...I'm glad he coperated that always makes it nice! I can't believe that my daughters old primary teacher teaches her kid to steal!!LOL Go viola players!!! I asked Aitana what instrument she wanted to play while we were at Jacob and Lauryns viola recital and she said "The Tuba" Um ok!!
All I can say is that it is too funny hearing Kenta say the word fart....I don't think I've laughed like that in awhile...I can't wait to show Bray & Bear. LOL!
How fun! No matter what instrument that boy plays- one thing is for sure... he will be one talented little guy. It's just in his genes.
Did you have to pack the entire house to take that little trip? I packed for an over night stay at Brady's parent's house. I brought 8 diapers, three burp rags, and one travel pack of wipes... yup ran out of every single thing! And it wasn't even twenty four hours.
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