We have the good fortune of having
some friends here in Norman with a photography business. When Thomas was one week old, we went and had his pictures taken. I wish I could say that he was really cooperative and totally relaxed and sleepy the whole time....but that unfortunately was not the case. In between feedings and bouts of crying, Dustin and Amber were able to capture some really special moments. Since a picture is worth a thousand words, I will stop rambling and let the pictures speak for themselves.

Didn't they turn out great? In case you missed the link at the top, you can visit their website at
fifephotography.com. Thanks, Dustin and Amber, for giving us such a beautiful way to preserve that fleeting newborn phase of Thomas's life!
We love the Fife's ... they lived in Provo and attended BYU before living in Norman and attending OU! They did our family pics a year ago before Robbie left for Brazil. They are awesome. We are needing some new one... any plans to visit Provo end of May?
Soooo cute! I love how they turned out! Just absolutely precious.
By the way, where have of your guesses on my baby Thomas' features? ie mullet hair and elf ears?
Beautiful! You will love looking back at those!
:) he was precious, no worries at all! We loved it and am so happy he came safe and sound! And thanks for the plug. ;)
this totally made my day. Everyone looks so beautiful and little Thomas is so sweet and precious. I need to get the Fife's to take a photo shoot of Tra' and I!
SOOOOOOOOOO cute! I love them! Your sweet boy is SO stinkin' precious! He looks like a little chunk, even at a week old...or maybe my child is abnormally small.....
So beautiful! I love the one of you and him! I am always jealous of people with a great profile because I hate mine! You guys are such a cute fam.
I especially love the parents and baby shots!!! Beautiful!
Great pictures! You guys will treasure those forever!
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