I don't know how passionate you guys are about particular foods, but I happen to be a huge fan of breakfast foods. I love breakfast. And I don't mean some measly little grab-a-granola-bar-while-I-rush-out-the-door kind of breakfast. I'm talkin' REAL food. And for those of you who skip breakfast - intentionally or unintentionally - I don't understand you one bit. I will still be your friend, but frankly, you're weird. For those of you who share my enthusiam for All Things Breakfast - this post's for you (but you weirdo breakfast-skippers can read it, too).
I was raised a firm believer that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Growing up, my dad fixed us a lot of oatmeal, cream of wheat, cracked wheat, whole wheat, - basically any wheat variation - for breakfast on school days.

Saturday, Mom took over. and made yummy things like pancakes, waffles, scrambled eggss, coffee cake or sometimes cinnamon rolls (all made from scratch, of course).
Sunday, the cooks had the day off. It was "cold" (boxed) cereal day. Shredded Wheat, corn flakes and Cheerios (Honey Nut if we were really lucky) were pretty standard. On my mission, Kenta sent me a box of Frosted Flakes (my favorite) for my birthday, which my companion and I shared for dinner.
I have no qualms about eating "breakfast" foods for any (or all) meals.
Kenta on the other hand....I have to remind him to eat breakfast. If I haven't made muffins, he'll eat a bowl of cereal. Occasionally, he'll eat instant oatmeal. I have yet to coax (or trick) him into trying any cooked wheat variation - but I am hopeful some day he will. The ideal breakfast to him has some kind of meat/egg/potato combination. He's my Mr. Meat and Potatohead. I don't mind fixing this kind of breakfast. Eggs and meat aren't too hard to cook (although I can't stand the smell of bacon). But potatoes? Please. I hate peeling and slicing them. I don't have room in my freezer for frozen hash browns. I usually just omit them from the breakfast menu altogether.
Until now.
Brace yourselves.
Maybe you've heard of it already, but it's completely new to me.
Last week Kenta helped our bishop and his wife fix their computer, so they had us over for dinner and sent us home with this:
We were excited to try them out, so Saturday night, I decided to fix brinner (I am a big fan of brinner).
I was curious to see what these hashbrowns were all about. Now, I'm a big supporter of do-it-yourself, made from scratch cooking. Shoot, I grind my own wheat and make my own sandwhich bread every week. BUT - I do believe there is a place in this world for potato pearls. And now I believe there is a place for hashbrowns-in-a-carton.
I opened up the carton
Poured some out
A feast fit for a king:
If that wasn't enough, I also prepared some powdered milk (also from our bishop's wife) which Kenta placed in the picture above. For those of you who, like me, have been scarred for life by Storehouse powdered milk - you gotta give this stuff a try. It does not have a blue tint. It does not taste like dirt. It actually tastes like milk! I was amazed. Kenta even drank it. It comes in chocolate, too. Food storage just got infinitely cooler.
Next time you can't think of anything to make for dinner, might I suggest having brinner? It's fast, easy and sooooo tasty. And mark your calendars - February 24th is National Pancake Day at IHOP. Free pancakes and tasty butter pecan syrup.....hmmmmm....I think I know what I'll be doing.
I totally remember the great Breakfast food your family made while we live in OK! Your Mom makes some yummy muffins!!!
I've never even seen hash browns like that, I hope they were yummy! I just might have to try them out!
I'm all about "brinner!" We love breafast food around here! I don't think I'll be grinding my own wheat though. Well, make that I KNOW I won't. :)
I am TOTALLY with you on the breakfast train! Yum, Yum!
Did you say you love gluten for breakfast or brinner? Yes, me too.... I will take the 24th off from being gluten free and honor National Pancake Day, it's definitely a cause I would like to support. (call me Angelina Jolie- Pitt! I love a good cause!) Breakfast is most absolutely my favorite, cheers to you and your new food storage find with a large glass of OJ! (of course)
We love breakfast, brunch, and brinner around here, too. Bob, not so much, but pancakes any day. Love the post!
So I'll need to know this brand of powered milk...and I actually LOVE potato pearls...
We have brinner quite often - and we even have breakfast foods for dessert - usually cereal. But on the special nights, we have waffles or chocolate chip pancakes. And who doesn't want a muffin any time of the day???????
PS I pretty much only ate breakfast food the 1 & 2nd trimesters...nothing else tasted good! and I was totally grossed out by all meat...except bacon and sausage! breakfast pretty much rocks.
we are going to IHOP on the 24th together...enough said. Me+breakfast=happily every after. I would eat it breakfast, lunch and dinner if tra' would let me. I don't get people who don't eat breakfast either. They really are weird. It's amazing. I have to have it like a fat kid has to have cake.
What does the milk SMELL like? My mom tried EVERYTHING to get us to drink powdered milk and to this day I can't bring myself to even make it up. They actually sell this a the grocery store...my mom said it was really good but well... we have a history ya know... I need a non biased opinion from another powdered milk hater out there
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