Well, I spoke a little too soon. About three days too soon.
Though it pales in comparison to ice storms of seasons past, I bring you
It was actually a little lame compared to last year, although school was canceled for two days. We were stuck inside most of yesterday, which I absolutely hated. I had planned on going grocery shopping on Monday before the storm got bad, but after slipping and falling on my butt on campus Monday morning, I decided to stay inside the rest of the day. That meant that Tuesday afternoon, we had to brave the elements and make the postponed Wal-Mart run. Kenta wasn't too thrilled about de-icing the car. But he looked so cute, I had to take a picture.
The way Kenta behaves in cold weather now (he's kind of wimpy) you'd never know he spent his mission riding his bike on ice and snow on the northernmost island of Japan, where it sometimes snows 26 feet in the winter. But like my dad always says, the "snow" in Oklahoma is usually not really snow. It is just billions and billions of pellets of nasty ice. Kenta compared it to Dippin' Dots. Which is exactly what was falling all day yesterday. Yuck.
That was the ice storm. Not very exciting. But I thought it would be fun to revisit a little of last year's ice storm. That was a doozy. I hope I'm not around to see that happen again. It was so sad to see (and hear) all of those trees snapping.
In other news (baby news, to be specific): another week has come and gone and Child Hood refuses to flip his/her head down. I've gotten a little desparate, so I am going to a chiropractor (sorry, Doug!) that does a "magical" adjustment called the Webster Technique. I think it's supposed to loosen up my pelvic region, thus giving the baby more room to turn. He does that in conjunction with acupuncture. I wear these little needles on the outside edge of my pinky toenails. It's like moxibustion, which he can't do in his clinic because burning mugwort smells like weed. Along with that stuff, my mom suggested that I give swimming a try. Since I had no membership to a pool, my mom (jokingly?) suggested I give our apartment complex pool a try.
I decided to go to the YMCA instead. It feels good to be back in the water. The first time I jumped in, I shot right to the top. I had forgotten that pregnancy makes you buoyant. That was fun :).
Anyway, I'm trying to just relax and let nature take its course. We finished our birthing class last week and I'm continuing to read my Bradley book and practice the exercises. Kenta is even reading a book called the Birth Partner. I'm doing my part to give the baby every opportunity possible to turn. Now, it's pretty much up to the baby and the Lord. I'm a firm believer that all things happen for a reason. For some reason, I need this experience, so I am learning to embrace it. Though I have always longed to be able to experience natural childbirth (call me crazy - I know), if I'm supposed to have this baby by c-section, so be it. I'm not giving up hope, and I'm going to continue to do all I can to prepare for a natural birth, but if things don't end up going the way I would like, I'll feel better knowing that we did all we could do. The Lord knows best. Thanks to everyone for their encouragement and support! Keep us in your thoughts and prayers. We'll keep you guys updated.
Until next time, stay warm wherever you are.

I think Saturday's lookin' pretty nice.