Sunday, April 10, 2011

I do not understand boys - #2

Boys and girls are different. I'm reminded of this fact every day. I'm coming up on nearly five years of very close observation of the male species (and, no - the previous 20+ years of having a younger brother doesn't count because he came after four sisters and we pretty much girlified the manliness out of him from an early age). Anyway, I digress. I'm always amused by the things that Kenta does that make me scratch my head and think, "Wha.....???". Boys are peculiar creatures sometimes.

For example, Kenta is unable to perform multiple tasks at once. Do not ask him a question while he is driving. He will either wreck the car or completely ignore the fact that you are talking to him. I, on the other hand, am pretty amazing at multi-tasking. I can nurse a baby while dragging a toddler to timeout WHILE I am on the phone. Am I awesome, or am I awesome?

Anyway, a while back we were busy writing thank-you notes for friends who had helped us out after Abigail was born. Kenta and I divided the list up and got to work. I was chatting away as I wrote my notes. After a little while, I noticed that the conversation was very one-sided. I kept talking anyway, until Kenta said:

"Ahhh! Stop talking to me!"

Me - "Why?"

Kenta - "I keep messing up"

Me - "Huh....?"

Kenta - "Yeah. I've already misspelled two words"

Me - "What have you written so far?"

Kenta - " 'Daveys, Thank you' "

Me - "You wrote three words-"

Kenta - "Yes."

Me - "-and you misspelled TWO of them?"

Kenta - "Yes."

Kendall - "....."

Kenta - "...."

Kendall - "BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!"

....and I pretty much haven't stopped laughing since. I die laughing every time I think about it. And then it reminds me how I always wanted to marry someone who could make me laugh every day. Mission accomplished.

Life would be so boring if we were all girls.


Banana Moon Studio said...

That's really funny! Daniel is also incapable of multi-tasking. He likes to cook, but I can't converse with him while he cooks because then he stops cooking to talk, which of course means that dinner is even later than it already would be since he never starts early enough. He's really great at a lot of things though, and I love him for it!

LJ said...

Once we were sitting at Taco Bell with Adam's cousin and I was writing her a check for buying me a fishing pole (long story). She and Adam were talking about a trip she and her boyfriend had taken to Coolidge, AZ to drop off a load of hay and I looked down and had made out the check to Marissa Coolidge.

Adam still laughs about that.

Beccarigg said...

Love it! And so true about guys inability to multi-task! They would never get anything done if they had to nurse the babies, it's amazing all we can do with a baby latched on ; )

Karen said...

Love it!

Karen said...

love it! (Although I'm not to good at reading or writing while doing other things either)

Casey&Mal said...

I am totally with you on how weird or "different" boys are. My brother, much like Soren, was totally girlified, too.
I am constantly fascinated and often annoyed or horrified at the things boys do!

Ami said...

I think I've read actual scientific studies about how men don't multitask as well as women, as a general rule. I've definitely come across that with Joel, too. However, having grown up in close observation of Kenta, I do wonder if the misspelling of words might have happened even if you weren't talking to him...

Unknown said...

I multi-task like a mad man. I'm really awesome.

Rika Burr said...

brady sucks at multi-tasking too. ask kenta to spell soap.

Lorie said...

It was a pretty awesome thank you note!