Me: "How was Thomas?"
Kenta: "Oh, he was GREAT! I put him down and he didn't make a peep."
Me: "Really? He must have been tired."
Kenta: "Well, actually I had given him half a cookie earlier. He loved it. He carried it around forever and only ate about 1/4 of it before I had to put him to bed with it."
Me: "You put him to bed..."
Kenta: "hmmm....?"
Me: "With a cookie?"
Kenta: "Yes."
Me: "....."
Kenta: "....."
Me: "Well, that explains why he didn't 'make a peep'. "
Kenta: "I just figured it was easier to let him keep the cookie, than try and take it away from him. He would have thrown a fit."
Me: "Hmmm...I guess that also explains why Thomas likes you more than me."
I've since decided that Thomas won't die from going to bed with a cookie one time (I've been assured that this won't happen again).
However, the first thing Thomas said to me when I got him out of bed this morning was, "Big cookie?". To which I responded, "How about some oatmeal? Or scrambled eggs?". It's all fun and games when Daddy's in charge. Not so much when Mommy is.
(Lest you think I am ripping on Kenta's parenting skills, here's some proof that he really is a good dad):

Ohhh...boys. I do not understand you.