Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Lego Maniac

Kenta has a friend at church - a kindred spirit, if you will - who shares his love for all things electronic and gadgety. Last weekend, this friend introduced Kenta to the wonders of Lego mindstorms. He's pretty much been talking about legos non-stop ever since, trying to convince me of their undeniable usefulness. Last night was no exception:

Kenta - I just saw this awesome youtube video today.

me - Hmm....

Kenta - Yeah, this guy had programmed his lego robot to solve a Rubik's cube.

me - can a robot do that?

Kenta - He programmed it to recognize colors.

me - Hmm...really.

Kenta - Yeah! Think of all the things I could program the robots to do!

me - Like what?

Kenta - I don't know. What would you want a robot to do?

me - (glancing at the sink, overflowing with piles of dishes) Huh. I want a robot that will wash the dishes for me

Kenta - uh...Kendall...

me - Yeah?

Kenta - They've already invented something for that

me - ......?

Kenta - It's called a dishwasher.


So much for my short-lived interest in lego robots. Kenta hasn't given up his efforts to convert me to lego robotism. He emailed me this video today:

I'm trying to decide where I would store something like that.


Beccarigg said...

Lol! Love the dishwasher epiphany! too funny. I wouldn't mind having something to fold my clothes, but I want it to do everything, not just shirts. I especially want it to match all the socks that are taking over my laundry basket!

Karen said...

sort and fold socks too AND iron and I'll take one! I'll find a place to store it!

Rika Burr said...

cool dude

Rachel said...

Very nice... Yeah, it's amazing how many robots we use everyday if you really think about it.

Kristen and Ryan said...

Hi Kendall, I was just wondering where you guys are living exactly. We were just in Lebanon interviewing and it looks like we just might decide that is the place for us. I was wondering if you have any thoughts or advice on cost of living, awesomeness, etc. I would appreciate it!

Rika Burr said...

there is a definite need to update the blog with photos from halloween and muliple photos of thomas.

also kevin.

also the little general.