What were we busy doing in May? Well.....
We went to Cape Cod!
We decided to beat the summer rush and go on a little road trip to the Cape in early May. It was lots of fun, but very windy. We visited some historical landmark about something:
We saw a lighthouse:
Kenta showed his bravery by standing next to a cliff
and stepping in freezing water:
We also drove by....
Hyannis! We didn't see any Kennedys, nor did we flip off Ted Kennedy's grave (per Kenta's dad's request). But we were close enough that we could have, if we wanted to.
What else did we do? I taught a class at church on how to bake whole wheat bread. I didn't take any pictures, but I just wanted you to know that so you could be impressed at my domesticity. Also, I arranged and performed a harp piece for Mother's Day at church. Again, no pictures. I'm just documenting proof of my awesomeness for posterity. Seriously, though - these were probably the two most exhausting/time consuming activities of the entire month.
While I was busy doing stuff, Kenta took a nap:
Okay, okay. In all fairness, Kenta tweaked his back (probably from helping some friends move) and had to come home from work early one day because it hurt so bad. It was just too good of a photo op to pass up. Thomas and I documented our mischief while he slept.
Me, accidentally forgetting that the camera was still zoomed in after taking Kenta's Sleeping Beauty photo:
The second attempt(after I zoomed back out):
My glasses, apparently, are in a perpetual state of sliding down my nose.
Thomas learned how to walk. Finally. I was starting to think he might be crawling to school on his first day of kindergarten. This video is really long, but the first couple of seconds should give you an idea of how awesome his walking skillz are now.
It's fun watching him rediscover the world on two feet.
Back to May...I made stuff with my sewing machine. A cute hairclip holder for a birthday party for one of Thomas's girlfriends:
I discovered the joys of elastic thread and made this dress...
..and a coordinating bowtie for Thomas. Please excuse my massive biceps. I'm pretty sure the camera adds like six feet to their circumference. Also, the hair. I have no excuse for that, other than Kenta didn't tell me to fix it before he took the picture. Stay tuned for more of my sewing (mis)adventures.
Other May happenings....Aunt Rika went to Morocco and brought back some awesome souvenirs. Here's Thomas modeling his:
Thanks, Aunt Rika!!
Thomas celebrated 15 months of life with a trip to the doctor for immunizations. They sent us home with some band aids and a handy printout with all his measurements and percentiles. We're happy to report that his head circumference is in the 4th percentile. While we're not sure if his small head is an indication of his brain size, we do know that "simple minds, simple pleasures" is a pretty accurate description of him:
So that was May. At least the highlights, anyway. Hope you enjoyed the summary!
okay I laughed every time Thomas laughed at the tape measure! lol what a fun little guy
May was AWESOME!
I LOVE seeing video of Thomas!
He's HUGE!
You, my dear, look fabulous.
No more baggin' on your hair or your arms! :)
I was so excited to hear/see that you're sewing.
It can be quite addicting, huh?
Love you Miss you.
Keep the updates'a'comin'!
Sounds like you guys have been having fun! I am impressed with your sewing skills! You should post a tutorial or something :-). Thomas is getting so big and grown up...he is so adorable!
how funny, I thought to myself, that tape measurer looks familiar. Hazel loves it too. I got the idea from a lady that entertained hazel on the airplane with a retractable sewing tape measurer.
Adorable! We need to get together and craft more. You do so many cute projects!
I love it ALL!! I think your hair looks great, btw! That is the cutest dress you made and the hair clip holder is ADORABLE! You crafty little bug.
I love the video of Thomas walking and I love your commentary. Cute sewing crafts. It looks like you guys are doing great!
I have so many things to say
1) I'm relieved that Alex isn't the only one walking into and making a lot of noise during my videos of my baby.
2) Josie's head is small too and I still think she's really smart
3) Thomas is SOOOOO cute.
Can we arrange Thomas and Josie's marriage now??
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