Disclaimer: I might have to do some fudging on the details since it has been so long and I have forgotten most of what we actually did. I will probably exaggerate and make things up. Now, if Kenta were the primary author of this blog, you would have already heard about Halloween in great detail at 10:30 p.m. on October 31. He would have covered such important topics as: what we wore, where we went, who was there, what the temperature was outside, the windspeed, barometric pressure, what time the sun set, what the trip meter was at in the car when we hit our final destination, the price of gas, our blood pressure, white blood cell count, and how many trick-or-treaters knocked on our door (oh, wait - I actually do remember that: ZERO).
I decided way back before we even had a baby that themed costumes were totally the way to go for Halloween. Naturally, I spent months thinking about a costume for three. After some brainstorming, I thought, "Yes!! I have it! We'll be Fruit of the Loom!!". Kenta, however, was far less enthusiastic about that idea and promptly shot it down (much to my dismay). So I continued to think: Alvin and the Chipmunks? The Three Little Pigs? Ariel, Sebastian, and Flounder? I just couldn't get excited about anything, until I had this idea:
Thomas: "The Rock"
Group close up. (sorta). Thomas's shifty eyes and lack of mouth are hilarious in this picture. If you don't believe me, enlarge the picture. If you still don't believe me...we must just have different senses of humor or something.
As you can tell, it was way awkward trying to get a group shot when:
1) Kenta's costume was on his back
2) Kenta had to hold Thomas (otherwise the dowel rods at the top of my costume would poke Thomas in the face)
3) Some random dude at the Weather Center was taking the picture (I could have bossed him around and been really picky and made him take pictures over and over again until we got a decent one, but I didn't know him, so...whatever).
We met up with Kenta at work to take these pictures because this was like three days before his thesis defense when he was still "living" at the Weather Center. Thomas is obviously too young for real trick-or-treating, but we did attend a trunk-or-treat and managed to take no pictures (yeah...lame, I know), but we did wear our costumes a third time for - what else? - a 5k race!!
In 2007, I ran a 5k called the Monster Dash, dressed as a candy corn. Last year I was out of town (and pregnant) for the event, so in 2009, I decided to make it a family affair. Kenta and I had made a goal this year to run a 5k together and this was pretty much our last opportunity. Naturally, I made him run it with a pair of giant cardboard scissors strapped to his back. It didn't help that some kids thought they were fairy wings, but he was a good sport about it (well...mostly, anyway) I pushed Thomas the entire 3.1 miles in the jogger whilst listening to Kenta complain about the scissors/fairy wings prohibiting him from running in a completely upright fashion. Luckily my sister, Maren, was also running the race (sans costume) and was able to document us in all of our post-race glory.
Back view. Maren's camera skillz are so amazing that it is actually almost entirely impossible to tell what the words say (it says "Runs with Scissors" haha...get it?)
This picture turned out much better. Thanks, Maren!
We finished the race in 32 minutes. Not a bad time, considering we were dressed as over-sized office supplies. Besides us, there was only one other adult racing in a costume. I'm not sure if we finished before or after Gumby did, but we chatted with him afterwards and he complimented us on our awesome outfits.
So that was our Halloween. Was it worth waiting to hear about?