He used to be so tiny (well, to ME) and would sleep all the time - anywhere and everywhere. Now he's a big boy and is growing and learning so much every day. He's a great sleeper - he still takes three naps a day and has been sleeping (completely) through the night consistently for over a month now. The only day we struggle a little bit is Sunday because we have church during his nap time - but we'd rather be there with a fussy baby than at home with a sleeping one. Here's a little bit of what Thomas has been up to lately:
Sitting unassisted. He's kind of skipped the rolling over stage (for now), but he loves to sit and play with his toys - especially his sock money (thanks, Aunt Mika!).
We started him on solids recently:
some edible....

....and others not so edible.

We've been trying out new veggies with him. So far we've had squash, sweet potatoes, and green beans. He wasn't too keen on the green beans, but has loved everything else. It's fun to see him grow up, but I have to admit that part of me is a little sad. The more solid food he eats and the older he gets, the less he will need me. Well, I guess he'll still need me - just in other ways.
Perhaps the most exciting development is that Thomas sprouted some new teeth about three weeks ago! We had kind of a difficult time getting a picture of his two little teeth...

We finally got a good one:

I guess this means we'll be giving Uncle Soren a visit in a few years (assuming he graduates from dental school and Thomas continues to grow teeth)
What else can I say? Thomas is busy growing and babbling and chewing and slobbering and discovering and, in general, just busy being very cute.

What a good lookin' guy. He's quite the ladies' man.
I think it goes without saying that he's got us wrapped around his little finger. How could you say "no" to a face like that?
Happy six months, Thomas!
Wow! 6 months old already?
He is a cutie! I'm glad he sleeps so well for you. I remember the nap/church conflict well too. We felt the same way, better to be at church and get the rough spots out of the way while they are little.
I can't believe it has been 6 months! He gets cuter and cuter.
He is adorable! Church during naptime is just one of those LDS kid rite of passeges, I think.
And just so you know, my very grown-up 11 year-old still needs me very much. For different things, true, but I was both surprised and secretly thrilled when she insisted on me walking into school with her on her first day of middle school.
Happy seis meses!!!! You are a precious sight to behold, little man. Can I steal that tie?
love all these cute pictures! He's such a smiley boy!! :) happy 6 months!
He is just SUCH a cutie! And I LOVE all the awesome faces he makes!
Happy half birthday Thomas! What a cutie.
What a little cutie! It's always crazy to read about Thomas' milestones because I know that Stockton is just right behind him. So I get to see what is to come!
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