Kenta was bummed that he couldn't stay at home and play in the snow and was mumbling something about what a shame it was that we hadn't built a single snowman this winter, so I decided to surprise him with a little snowman before he came home.
Let me just preface this picture by saying that it had easily been twenty years since I had built a snowman.
Also - I had planned to go grocery shopping, but didn't make it to the store because of the snow. Result: we had no carrots.
Also - building a snowman is hard work. Thomas almost knocked the head off. I almost got mad at him for doing that.
And without further ado, I introduce to you the very first snowman to be built in our yard since we moved into this house a year ago:
I learned a few lessons from building this snowman:
- Brussels sprout eyes are really, really creepy.
- Trying to press yellow pepper slices into hard packed snow will result in half of your snowman's face falling off. My fingers were too frozen at that point to try and repair it.
- Snowman building requires your full concentration You will notice that there are no children in any of these pictures. Thomas was outside with me while Abby was napping. He was having loads of fun. I, however, did not document it. You'll just have to take my word for it.
Anyway, Kenta was pretty pleased when he came home and saw this in front of his parking spot:
Of course, a week later, it was 70 degrees and beautiful outside. There was still some snow on the ground, so Thomas took the opportunity to use his snow shovel for (probably....hopefully) the last time this winter.
Unfortunately, our little snowman friend did not survive very long because of the unseasonably warm weather.

More on that later :)